Homeopathy is a system of curative medicine that heals through the matching of symbols, images and archetypes: a healing conjunction between the metaphor of the remedy and the metaphor of the patient.
On examining the significance of symbols, we discover that they can be compared to homeopathic remedies. Behind the external appearance of things exists a higher reality, a greater wisdom and a more radiant beauty, which our mortal faculties can often comprehend only in symbolic form.
Both myth and symbol possess the power to reveal deeper meanings with an emotive clarity and richness that can evoke both intellectual and emotional responses; they can bring together aspects of the conscious and the unconscious, the rational and the intuitive. Symbols direct us to something beyond themselves, to that which would otherwise remain unknown, intangible and indefinable. The symbol is the portal to a spiritual realm; its energy is continuous with its ethereal counterpart and inseparable from that which it symbolises. The remedy, through potentisation, is the portal to a mysterious archetypal world of healing power with which it remains confluent.
In contemplating a physical image or a remedy we are in the presence of its invisible essence, for it is the epiphany of a hidden force. Every object and every remedy is a unique revelation of the mystical and expresses specific archetypal attributes, intimating another more potent reality that informs it.
The realm of the archetype is the collective unconscious, the universal repository of cosmic wisdom and memory. The blessing of homeopathy is not only its power to heal the sick, but also, by virtue of its infinitesimal, spirit-like potencies, its capacity to extend the parameters of science into dimensions previously considered esoteric and beyond the scrutiny of empiricism.
Charged with high frequency energy, the homeopathic potency reaches into the collective unconscious and there discloses a dimension of myth, metaphor and magic, which may
seem fictitious and fanciful, but is, in fact, a different and more comprehensive reality, interpenetrating and sustaining our own; an invisible, archetypal domain unfamiliar to the mind and
the intellect, but with which the imagination, the deep unconscious and the soul are instinctively conversant.
The fine, gossamer net of the potency captures images and imaginings, which provide tangible proof of the structure of the psyche, an invisible configuration, which otherwise would remain only a theoretical model of an unconscious world.
This inner, mysterious world of the psyche is confluent with the collective unconscious, which contains the full repertoire of humanity’s rich and diverse mythology, replete with all the archetypes that have ever amused, fascinated, inspired or terrified us. From ancient times, these mythological archetypes
have been continuously conceived within the human imagination and laid down as great, primordial, fantasy images within the structure of the collective unconscious.
Here, they form complexes of integrated and associated ideas bound together by shared emotional charge and capable of dynamically influencing conscious awareness, judgement, responses, behaviour,
and experience. They are brought to life in the familiar stories of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, tricksters and villains, animals and monsters of myth, legend and folklore, integral to all traditions regardless of race, religion, culture, country or historical period.
#depthhomeopathy #davidlilley #healingofpsyche